Megan's Story*
I Lost 58 Pounds & Still Losing!
Here I am at 172 and still losing!
I know these pictures are gross, but here I am at 230 lbs.
(I like the "new me" pictures above much better!)
I want everyone to know that I have tried every diet known to man and I had no hope until I found the HCG DIET CURE! My journey began when the scale hit 230 lbs, a very tight size 18. My self esteem was shot! I went to the doctor to tell them something had to be wrong with me as I was continually gaining weight. When all of the blood work and tests came back completely normal I felt completely hopeless. I then tried many diets that cost me thousands of dollars and yet only lost 20 lbs then gained it all back.
My sister in Florida started this hcg diet that you had to inject yourself daily. She was losing a ton of weight, but I didn't want to inject myself with shots. So I started asking around about it, and a friend introduced me to a much better oral method here at the naturalcuresstore.com. Thank you - thank you - thank you! I lost 18 lbs in my first 16 days! Even though for a while I was cheating every weekend I still kept pace with my sister! Which means in my book it works much better than the injections. It has gotten a lot easier once I started drinking all the required teas so that's been nice. 58 pounds and counting will update you soon....
*Results may vary from individual to individual.