Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic therapy has been used for centuries to treat pain and promote healing through increased circulation.
Thought magnetic therapy has been around for years, many people are not aware of the number of health benefits associated with it. Health benefits that have been proven based on research performed at some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Let’s look at some of the top health benefits of magnetic therapy, as well as the studies that support them.

In a 2005 study conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina, 20 patients who had not responded to medication for depression received TMS (magnetic stimulation of the brain) two minutes a day for 2 weeks; while 10 had the magnet applied but did not receive treatment. Ten of the 20 reported their depression symptoms had decreased by 50 percent, while none in the other group had any improvement. The results of this study were replicated in four additional studies performed at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
A 2005 study conducted at Harvard Medical School involved the use of TMS in a group of stroke patients who suffered from severe loss of motor functioning on one side of their body. Magnets were applied to both sides of the torso and head to stimulate the firing of neurons in the spinal cord and brain. When the treatment was complete, the patients who had received the treatment displayed significantly improved motor performance of the affected side, while the placebo group did not have any change in their condition.
Harvard Medical School performed a similar study on patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The group that received treatment showed a significant decrease in several symptoms related to Parkinson’s disease compared to the placebo group.
Magnetic therapy is widely used in the treatment of pain.
A study at Harvard Medical School included 29 patients with knee osteoarthritis. Magnetic treatment was applied for four hours to one group, while just the magnets were applied to a second group. At the end of the four hours, the treatment group reported their pain levels had decreased by 79 points, while the placebo group’s pain only decreased by 10 points.
Magnetic therapy has also been used to successfully relieve lower back pain, as well pain associated with tendonitis and migraines. Magnets are able to do this by affecting ion channels in the body that control muscle contraction and pain signals.
Clinical trials and studies have found that the application of strong magnets can substantially speed up the healing process from a surgical wound or fractured bone.
Strong magnetic fields have the ability to reach the deep muscle tissue immediately and quickly relieve bruising, pain, and swelling.
They have a similar affect to applying heat and ice, except they work more quickly and can be worn as long as necessary without the need for removal.
These are only a few of the many conditions that can be helped by magnetic therapy. Magnets are a safe and effective way to treat a host of health conditions.
Magnetic therapy is contraindicated for those with a pacemaker, shunt or other magnetic device. As always, consult your physician before beginning any new health regime.